This is a quick FAQ on how to properly download and view
Xvid video clips using BitTorrent
What is BitTorrent?
BitTorrent is a file-sharing system. As you download a file, the portions of the file that you receive are also shared by your computer to others. Using this system makes it more difficult for people to just download items without sharing.
How do I download a video clip using 'BitTorrent'
You will need to download and install a BitTorrent client application. There are many free BitTorrent clients available on the Internet. Use Google to find them (Utorrent is a popular one). Once you have downloaded and installed the BitTorrent client, go back to the message announcing the video clip. There should be a link to the .torrent file. Click on this link. Your BitTorrent client should recognize it, and may ask you where to save the video clip. It will then begin the download.
I'm having trouble downloading. What's wrong?
If you have a firewall, you will need to open specific ports in order for your BitTorrent client to work. Which ports you open, and how you open them vary depending on the firewall you use. Go to the website of the organization that makes your firewall to learn how to properly open the ports for BitTorrent transfers.
What's all this I hear about seeding and leeching?
While you are downloading a file with BitTorrent, you are considered a 'leecher'. Once you have finished the download, you can leave your BitTorrent client open and it will continue to share the file to other users. When you do this, you are considered a 'seeder'.
I'm trying to download, but I'm not able to get the file because nobody's seeding. What do I do?
Probably, the best thing to do is to post on the BBS a request for people to re-seed the video clip. (See how important it is to seed as much as possbile?)
I downloaded a file a few days ago and I would like to re-seed it for someone who's requested it. How do I do that?
Just click on the link to the .torrent file, instructing your BitTorrent to re-download the file. Your BitTorrent client may ask you where to save the file. Point it to the directory where you already have the file downloaded. Your BitTorrent client should recognize that you have already downloaded the file and should begin seeding it automatically.
I downloaded the video clip and tried to view it, but it's not working. Why?
You probably don't have the xVid codec installed. You need to download and install it in order to view the videos.
What is a codec?
It's an add-on for your media player application. Different video clips are created in different ways (for example: avi files are different than mpg files, which are different than mov files). Installing the xVid codec allows your media player application to properly understand video files that have been created with the xVid codec.
Where can I get the xVid codec?
The official xVid site does not provide a compiled version of the codec, you will have to download it from a different site. One site you can get it from is here: (it will be listed under "Latest stable binary".
The good thing about BitTorrent is that it successfully brings users together to distribute files. With that in mind, please leave your BitTorrent client open for as long as possible, seeding a file for others.
Post a 'thank-you' to the people who created the video and to those who seed it or provide it to you in other ways. This encourages others to continue to build and provide video clips.
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